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Lanier Valley Dentistry - Dr Colin Lentz
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Ways of Fixing Sensitive Teeth

Posted on 11/22/2021 by Lanier Valley Dentistry
Ways of Fixing Sensitive TeethWhen you bite or eat something hot or cold and feel some sort of discomfort, you are likely exhibiting signs of sensitive teeth. The pain occurs immediately and can either be severe, mild, or moderate. Another sign of teeth sensitivity is feeling pain when you brush or floss your teeth. It is imperative you seek treatment once you experience sensitive teeth.

If you feel pain when you brush your teeth, you may start to avoid brushing them. This leads to poor oral hygiene which further leads to dental issues such as tooth cavities and gum disease. Here are ways of fixing sensitive teeth.

Taking Care of Your Tooth Enamel

The enamel protects your teeth from pain caused by bacteria and chemicals when they reach the dentine and nerve endings. When your enamel wears out, it is irreplaceable. However, you can put a brake on the damage by brushing your teeth gently.

Doing a side-to-side brushing at the right angle of 45 degrees keeps your enamel and gum strong and clean. Ensure you avoid sugary drinks such as soda, candy, and starchy foods. These food attack the enamel and cause tooth enamel loss.

Only Use Toothpaste Manufactured For Sensitive Teeth

You should use toothpaste made for those having sensitive teeth. The toothpaste reduces the level of sensitivity as it tries to mend the tiny holes present in your enamel and dentine. Your teeth gain minimal exposure to the acids that cause sensitivity because they cannot reach the sensitive nerves.

Getting Dental Coatings And Varnishes

You can get varnishes and coatings that assist in relieving the pain caused by sensitive teeth. The use of fluoride varnish reduces the level of tooth sensitivity because the fluoride fills the small holes present in your tooth enamel that exposes your teeth to irritants and extreme temperature change. You can contact us in case you need to know about which coats to use to reduce sensitivity in your teeth. For further information, please visit our offices today!


3635 Braselton Hwy, Suite C
Dacula, GA 30019-5932



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Tues - Thurs 9-5
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Lanier Valley Dentistry - Dr Colin Lentz, 3635 Braselton Hwy, Suite C, Dacula, GA 30019 ~ (678) 802-8654 ~ ~ 4/30/2024 ~ Tags: dentist Dacula GA ~