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What is the Procedure for Dental Implants? Dacula, GA

 Diagram of a tooth replaced with a dental implant from Lanier Valley Dentistry in Dacula, GADental implants are a popular and effective way to replace missing teeth. They are also used to support dentures. Dental implants are made of titanium, a metal well-tolerated by the body. Titanium is also used in hip replacements and other medical devices.

Dental implants are placed in the jawbone, forming a solid bond with the bone. This bond is called osseointegration. Dental implants can support a single tooth, bridge, or dentures.

Dental Implant Materials

There are different types of dental implant materials available. The most common type is made of titanium. Other types of dental implant materials include:

•  Zirconia: Zirconia implants are made of white ceramic material. They are less visible than titanium implants and are used in cases where aesthetics are essential. Zirconia implants have a lower success rate than titanium implants.

•  Gold: Gold implants are made of a gold alloy. They are less likely to cause an allergic reaction than other types of implant materials. However, gold implants are more visible than titanium or zirconia implants.

•  Porcelain: Porcelain implants are made of ceramic material. They are less visible than titanium or zirconia implants. Porcelain implants have a lower success rate than titanium or zirconia implants.

Your dental implant material will depend on your individual needs and preferences. Titanium is the most common type of dental implant material because it is strong and has a high success rate.

If esthetics are essential to you, then zirconia or porcelain implants may be a better option. Gold implants are a good choice for people with allergies to other implant materials.

Dentures and Dental Bridges

Dentures are artificial teeth that are used to replace missing teeth. They are made of plastic or porcelain. Dental bridges are replacement teeth used to fill the space where one or more teeth are missing. Dental bridges are usually made of porcelain.

Dental implants can be used to support both dentures and dental bridges. Dental implants provide a more secure fit for the denture or bridge and help to prevent them from moving around in the mouth. Dental implants also help to preserve the bone in the jawbone.

The Procedure for Dental Implants

The procedure for dental implants involves a few steps:

The first step is to consult a dentist to see if you are a good candidate for dental implants. This consultation will include a thorough examination of your mouth and teeth and a review of your medical history.

If you are determined to be a good candidate, the next step is to have a CT scan or x-rays of your mouth. These images will be used to develop a treatment plan. The next step is to have the implant placed. This is done under local anesthesia and sedation, so you will not feel any pain during the procedure.

Once the implant is in place, it will take some time to fuse with the bone. This process, called osseointegration, can take several months. Once the implant has fused with the bone, the next step is to place a dental abutment. This is a small connector piece that will hold the tooth in place.

The final step is to place the tooth. This can be done in one of two ways. The first way is to place a dental crown on the abutment. The second way is to place a dental bridge, which uses the implant to support one or more false teeth.

The entire process, from start to finish, can take several months, but the results are worth it. Dental implants are firm, permanent, and natural-looking. They can give you back your smile and your confidence.

All-on-4® Treatment Concept

The All-on-4® Treatment Concept is a popular treatment option for people who are missing all of their teeth or have failing teeth that need replacement. These dental implants are an excellent option for many people.

These implants are a type of dental implant that is used to support a complete set of dentures. They are placed in the jawbone and act as anchors for the dentures. They are placed in the jawbone in a strategic way that maximizes support and stability. The implants are placed in the front of the jaw, which has more bone density than the back of the jaw.

This helps to ensure that the implants are well-supported and can provide long-lasting stability for the dentures. The first step in getting this unique technique is to meet with an implant dentist to see if you’re a good candidate for the procedure. If you are, the next step is to have a CT scan of your mouth and jawbone. This helps the dentist map out where the implants will go.

After that, it’s time for surgery. The dentist will make small incisions in your gums and place the implants into your jawbone. Once the implants are in place, the incisions will be closed with stitches.

There are many benefits to getting this implant technique. One of the most significant benefits is that they provide a much more stable base than traditional dentures. This means that you won't have to worry about your dentures slipping or moving around in your mouth, and you'll be able to eat and speak confidently.

Another benefit of these implants is that they can help to preserve your jawbone. When you lose teeth, the bone in your jaw begins to deteriorate. This can cause your face to change shape and make you look older. However, these dental implants help to stimulate the jawbone, which helps to prevent bone loss.

If you are missing one or more teeth, talk to our surgeons, Colin Lentz, DDS and Heather Ramsey, DDS, at Lanier Valley Dentistry. They will help you to go through the process.

If you are considering having an implant and would like to book an appointment, call us at (678) 802-8654 or visit our office. We will be able to answer any questions you may have and guide you further.


3635 Braselton Hwy, Suite C
Dacula, GA 30019-5932



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Dental Implant Procedure Dacula, GA Dentist | Lanier Valley
Dental implants are firm, permanent, and natural-looking. They can give you back your smile and confidence. Learn about the procedure from our professionals!
Lanier Valley Dentistry - Dr Colin Lentz, 3635 Braselton Hwy, Suite C, Dacula, GA 30019 \ (678) 802-8654 \ \ 5/3/2024 \ Page Terms:dentist Dacula GA \