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Multiple Teeth Implants Dacula GA

For aging adults and people who have persistent trouble with gum disease and oral trauma, losing teeth is a common issue. Long ago, there were few options to treat people who had lost teeth. Now there are many advancements in dental technology that allow us to recreate a smile that our patients can be proud of. One such innovation is the use of dental implants. These implants imitate the roots of natural teeth, stimulating jawbone health and discouraging bone loss.

Artificial teeth that resemble real teeth in appearance, feel, and functionality improve one's overall life quality. You will seem more beautiful and youthful, giving you more confidence to laugh, smile, and engage in conversation with others.

Treatment Planning

If you are seeking dental implants, we will first take a look at your medical history. This includes any prior surgical procedures and any medication that you might be taking. This is an important step as it will help us better understand any potential risks you might be facing as well as the potential success of your treatment options. The next thing we'll do is take the time to determine what you are hoping to achieve through treatment. Are you looking for a natural smile, for example, and do you have specific materials in mind that you would prefer to have used? These are all questions that should be answered during the planning process.

Dental Implants Are Versatile

For those missing multiple teeth, there are many options available within the scope of dental implants. A single tooth implant can be placed in each area missing a tooth. Multiple teeth implants can be placed in the areas where two or three teeth may be missing. They can be replaced by use of an implant-supported bridge. Mini dental implants are also available. They are the same as traditional dental implants, only smaller. Full arch teeth replacements are available through the All-on-4.

All-on-4 Treatment Concept

The All-on-4 Treatment Concept allows a full arch on the bottom or top of your mouth to be supported by just four dental implants. This is ideal for those who have lost several teeth and are considering a total reconstruction of the mouth. With just four implants on the top of your mouth and four on the bottom, you can have two arches with full sets of teeth that look and feel very natural. If you have lost many of your teeth and are looking for a solution that will help you reclaim your lifestyle, we encourage you to learn more about the All-on-4 Treatment Concept. Call Lanier Valley Dentistry to schedule a consultation with our dental team.

All-on-4 Implants vs. Traditional Implants

Dental implants are screws made of titanium that are surgically placed within the jawbone. They take the place of the natural tooth root and ensure the constant stimulation of the jawbone, which is necessary to prevent bone loss. A traditional dental implant procedure requires between six and eight dental implants for each arch of the mouth, if not more. The All-on-4 treatment requires only four implants per arch, making this a less time consuming and more affordable procedure. In addition, while most procedures require bone grafting before implants can be placed, the All-on-4 treatment does not require additional bone grafting before the process can begin, as it requires less jawbone to be placed.

Maintaining Your Dental Implants

Once you have your dental implants and new teeth, it is imperative that you work to keep them clean and your mouth healthy. You should resume oral care just as you would with your natural teeth. Brushing and flossing daily is essential, in addition to visiting our office for regular cleanings as scheduled.

If you require a specific treatment plan because you are prone to gum disease or other issues of the mouth, our team will advise you on what you can do daily to ensure proper hygiene. Follow any additional advice provided by our team, and you will have a healthy new smile that will last forever.

Advantages of Multiple Teeth Implants

The All-on-4 is Easier

If you desire a full arch of teeth to replace missing or damaged natural teeth, the All-on-4 Treatment Concept may be the right choice for you. This will allow you to get dental implants without the need to create incisions and have implants for every individual missing tooth.

The All-on-4 concept makes for a shorter surgical implant time and a faster recovery.

You Can Eat Your Favorite Foods Again

There are no eating restrictions with dental implants as there are with dentures or missing teeth. Corn, fresh vegetables, steak, and fresh fruits are all items you can enjoy again. You are now free to consume anything you want. Additionally, because overall chewing is improved, your digestion will be better.

Dental Implants Mimic the Look of Real Teeth

Your mouth will be returned to its pretreatment condition as nearly as possible. It is conceivable to more nearly mimic the function of real teeth by replacing the complete tooth, in addition to the tooth root with dental implants. They provide a sturdy, strong fixture that permits easy biting and eating, and also look like your natural teeth.

Dental Implants Protect Your Jawbone

We advise inquiring about dental implant treatment with the dentist to stop jawbone damage. When you lose a tooth, a dental implant will cover the gap in the smile and stimulate the jawbone in the same manner that the tooth's root does. In the long run, this preserves the face's contour by preserving the jawbone.

Get Multiple Teeth Implants at Lanier Valley Dentistry

Tooth loss is a normal part of life for many people. Luckily, treating tooth loss is becoming more common and is easy with dental implants. If you believe you are a candidate for dental implants and would like more information about multiple teeth implants, the All-on-4, or any of the other dental implant options available, call Lanier Valley Dentistry at (678) 802-8654 today for more information.


3635 Braselton Hwy, Suite C
Dacula, GA 30019-5932



Mon 8-2 by appt only
Tues - Thurs 9-5
Fri 8-2

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Multiple Teeth Implants | Dacula GA Dentist | Lanier Valley
Learn how multiple teeth implants restore your smile's beauty and function. Personalized solutions for lasting results. Call to schedule a consultation today!
Lanier Valley Dentistry - Dr Colin Lentz, 3635 Braselton Hwy, Suite C, Dacula, GA 30019 - (678) 802-8654 - - 5/3/2024 - Page Terms:dentist Dacula GA -