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Lanier Valley Dentistry - Dr Colin Lentz
Lanier Valley Dentistry - Dr Colin Lentz
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Inlays & Onlays
Dacula, GA

Woman smiling with perfect teeth after receiving inlays & onlays from Lanier Valley Dentistry in Dacula, GAOur team at Lanier Valley Dentistry are eager to make your inlay and onlay fillings for you. Inlays and onlays are the two types of indirect fillings. They are used when the tooth requires more than just a filling but is not damaged to the extent of requiring a crown. They are used to treat tooth decay and other structural damage. Inlays are like fillings, but it is done within the cusps [bumps] on the tooth’s chewing surface. Onlays are often referred to as partial crowns. Unlike inlays, onlays are more extensive; they cover one or more cusps. Inlays and onlays are made of gold, tooth-colored resin or porcelain. Although inlays and onlays weaken the structure of the tooth, their effects are less than that of traditional fillings and they last longer, up to 30 years.

Inlays and onlays are best in situations where the tooth decay is minimal or moderate. They help to preserve a greater amount of healthy tooth structure than a full-coverage crown. Inlays and onlays do not discolor over time; their aesthetic duration is higher than that of tooth-colored resin filings. The teeth are easier to clean with inlays and onlays than with dental crowns. This is because the preparation is minimal, and it fits at all edges. Getting an onlay does not need a total reshaping of the tooth, and it helps to protect weak areas of the tooth.

Inlay and Onlay Procedure

An inlay and onlay procedure is relatively easy and requires two dental visits. At the first visit, our dentist will work on the affected tooth. After this, he or she will take a molded impression of your tooth and send to the laboratory where the restoration will be made. While waiting for the finished restoration, our dentist can make a fitted temporary restoration for you in the shape of the final one to protect the tooth until the final one is ready. During your second visit, the final restoration should be ready. Our dentist removes the provisional and places your inlay or onlay. Next, our dentist will ensure that the restoration is stable and fits properly. They will also examine your bite to ensure that there are no occlusion-relation issues. If the restoration fits, it is bonded onto the tooth and the margins polished.

After the Filling

Maintaining inlays and onlays does not take strenuous effort. You should maintain good oral hygiene by flossing, brushing with fluoride toothpaste, using an antibacterial mouthwash at least once every day. Have a regular dental visit for thorough cleaning and professional advice. You should also be vigilant and know what happens around your mouth. If you notice any crack or leakage in the filling, if your tooth is very sensitive, if a piece of the filling is not in place or if your tooth is on edge, do not hesitate to book an appointment with our specialist dentists. Delaying medical checkups and treatment of any anomaly can result in decay.

If you want to have inlay and onlay fillings, our dentists are the best. We will take x-rays of the area to assess the condition and administer medical treatment. Contact us at Lanier Valley Dentistry at (678) 802-8654.


3635 Braselton Hwy, Suite C
Dacula, GA 30019-5932



Mon 8-2 by appt only
Tues - Thurs 9-5
Fri 8-2

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Inlays & Onlays | Dacula, GA | Lanier Valley Dentistry
Dental Inlays & Onlays are used to treat tooth decay and other forms of tooth damage. The procedure is relatively easy and usually requires two dental visits!
Lanier Valley Dentistry - Dr Colin Lentz, 3635 Braselton Hwy, Suite C, Dacula, GA 30019, (678) 802-8654,, 5/3/2024, Page Terms:dentist Dacula GA,