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Lanier Valley Dentistry - Dr Colin Lentz
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Dentures Dacula GA

Dentures are a removable prosthetic set of teeth, used to replace missing teeth and any soft tissues or supporting structures. There are two types of dentures that can vary widely in material composition: complete or partial dentures. Complete dentures are a full set of teeth for patients who have lost all of their teeth, while partial dentures are ideal for patients with some teeth left remaining. If you have lost all of your teeth from tooth decay, an injury, or gum disease, replacing your teeth with dentures will restore the appearance of your smile and help improve your oral health.

Consider scheduling a consultation with our experienced dentists at Lanier Valley Dentistry. We can go over your options and determine a treatment plan best suited for your needs. Dentures will help you by making eating an easier task, and enable you to speak more fluidly than without them. People can take for granted the satisfaction of being able to perform these daily tasks.

Conventional and Immediate Dentures

Complete dentures can be conventional or immediate. Conventional dentures are ready to be positioned in the mouth eight to 12 weeks after your teeth are removed. These are made after teeth have been removed and the gum tissue has started the healing process.

Immediate dentures can be positioned as soon as the teeth are removed from their sockets. These can be made in advance; this way the wearer does not have to go without teeth. However, this can be a disadvantage because gums and bones will shrink over time, especially following tooth removal during the healing period. Therefore, immediate dentures will need adjustments to fit properly in the future and should only be considered a temporary solution.

How Are Dentures Made?

The process involved in having dentures developed will take multiple appointments over a few weeks. The first step will involve making impressions and measurements of your jaw including how they relate to each other and how much space is between them. Next your dentist will create a model in the exact shape and position the denture will be made in. Then the final denture can be cast, and adjustments can be made to ensure a snug fit.

Getting Used To Dentures

New dentures may feel foreign for a few weeks until you become used to them. Your removable dentures may feel loose or a little awkward at first. As you continue to wear them, the muscles in your cheeks and tongue will become accustomed to holding them in place. At this point, it is not uncommon to experience minor irritation or soreness. You may also find that your flow of saliva will temporarily increase, but as your mouth grows accustomed to your dentures these problems will go away. If any problem persists, be sure to follow up by consulting with your dentist.

Unlike the early days where people took a long time to get used to dentures, these days they feel natural and like your real teeth. This works for partial and full dentures.

How Do I Care For My Dentures?

When you are not wearing your removable dentures, keep them in a safe place covered in water. Just like your teeth, you can care for your dentures by brushing them daily to remove food particles and plaque. When brushing, be sure to clean your mouth thoroughly including your gums, cheeks, tongue, and the roof of your mouth.

Benefits of Dentures

Dentures provide several benefits, especially in comparison to having missing teeth.

Better Ability to Chew

Whether you've lost a few of your teeth or all of them due to an illness or an accident, chewing food can be extremely difficult with missing teeth. The right dentures will help you chew food effectively without being nervous about the dentures coming loose or falling out. These dentures feel like real teeth in the mouth and give you the confidence to eat, even in public.

Fewer Speech Problems

When you suffer from partial or complete tooth loss, it gets difficult for you to have a normal conversation and people find it difficult to understand what you are saying. This is because teeth play a major role in pronouncing words properly. Getting partial or complete dentures can help you communicate more effectively and you will feel confident talking to people without worrying about your pronunciations.

Protect the Rest of Your Teeth

If you are suffering from partial tooth loss, you need to get partial dentures as soon as you can. This is because these dentures will help protect the rest of your teeth and prevent them from becoming loose and falling out. While a number of people end up choosing dental implants over dentures, implants do not effectively protect the rest of your teeth as well as dentures do. When you get the right dentures for your teeth, you feel confident and you are able to protect the rest of your mouth effectively thereby lowering your dental expenses.

Implant Supported Dentures

Another option to partial and complete dentures is implant supported dentures. Thanks to the advancements in dental technology, you can now get implant supported dentures that are permanently secured and won't shift or slip. They are kind of the in-between of having dentures or dental implants. These dentures make you feel more confident and allow you to eat the kind of food you enjoy without worrying about them coming loose. Implant supported dentures feel exactly like real teeth and are comfortable too.

Get Your Dentures at Lanier Valley Dentistry

Whether you're missing just one tooth or you have several gaps in your smile, you may benefit from either full or partial dentures. Not all patients require a full upper and bottom tray of dentures, either. Sometimes, only one plate may be necessary, or even one plate and a set of partials on the top or bottom of your mouth.

Regardless of your extent of tooth loss, at Lanier Valley Dentistry we will work with you to give you the best fit to restore your smile and your self-esteem. Give us a call here today at (678) 802-8654 if you have questions about the different types of dentures or if you're ready to schedule your consultation for them.


3635 Braselton Hwy, Suite C
Dacula, GA 30019-5932



Mon 8-2 by appt only
Tues - Thurs 9-5
Fri 8-2

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Dentures • Dacula, GA Dentist • Lanier Valley Dentistry
Looking for a reliable and natural-looking tooth replacement? Call today to see how dentures and partials can transform your oral health and overall well-being!
Lanier Valley Dentistry - Dr Colin Lentz, 3635 Braselton Hwy, Suite C, Dacula, GA 30019 : (678) 802-8654 : : 5/3/2024 : Key Phrases: dentist Dacula GA :